Sunday, May 15, 2011


I realize that I didn't explain very much in my first post.  So here's what I know at this point... which isn't much.

Some time in mid-June I'm going to L'Université Chrétienne du Nord d'Haïti (North Haiti Christian University or UCNH).  It's a small (about 700 students) Christian university in Limbé, Haiti, which is about an hour outside of Cap-Haïtien.  Students there study either Theology, Agriculture, Business or Fine Arts and everyone takes at least two years of English.  I may be teaching English... or Psychology... or not teaching at all.  That mostly falls in the "what I don't know at this point" section.

Which is a great lead in to the "what I don't know at this point" section.  And that's pretty much everything: travel dates, internship, independent study, living situation.  I'll do my best to post updates here as soon as I find these things out.  But feel free to ask about any of these things, or anything else and I'll answer the best I can.

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