Thursday, May 19, 2011


I'm leaving!
Not yet, but I officially have a date and my tickets.  I'm leaving Raleigh on June 12, spending the night in Miami, and arriving in Cap-Haïtien on the 13.  I got an email from the UCNH president letting me know when to come and also that he was working on getting me a host family.  He said that they were Christians.
...and that's all I know.  I'm glad to be able to let y'all know my departure date and will certainly keep you updated as soon as I know anything else.
Thanks for praying.  Peace.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I realize that I didn't explain very much in my first post.  So here's what I know at this point... which isn't much.

Some time in mid-June I'm going to L'Université Chrétienne du Nord d'Haïti (North Haiti Christian University or UCNH).  It's a small (about 700 students) Christian university in Limbé, Haiti, which is about an hour outside of Cap-Haïtien.  Students there study either Theology, Agriculture, Business or Fine Arts and everyone takes at least two years of English.  I may be teaching English... or Psychology... or not teaching at all.  That mostly falls in the "what I don't know at this point" section.

Which is a great lead in to the "what I don't know at this point" section.  And that's pretty much everything: travel dates, internship, independent study, living situation.  I'll do my best to post updates here as soon as I find these things out.  But feel free to ask about any of these things, or anything else and I'll answer the best I can.

First Thoughts

I’m writing this on May 11, not whatever day I posted this.  I’m not posting this on May 11 because I’m currently sitting in a tent in Acadia National Park and for some reason none of my preferred wireless networks are available.  And yes, I am typing this because I cannot for the life of me find my headlamp so I can’t read any of the several books I brought.  Not like that was going to happen anyways.  So instead, it’s 9:10 on the coast of Maine, completely dark and I can’t fall asleep.  So I’m writing my first blog post.

My thoughts on blogging tend to go like this:  Wow what a complete waste of time.  I mean, no one is going to read it and for good reason.  I’m not sure I’ll have much to say.  But, there are people who love me (thanks, Mom) and who knows, it might be fun to write again.  It’s been a while since I’ve really written creatively.  But will my blog be good enough?  Other people’s approval tends to be my main motivation way more often than it should be.  Will I be happy with what I write or if I’m not, will I post anything?  And if I am proud of what I say, will it be true?  Will I sensationalize the stories of my time in Haiti to make myself seem more intense, more in tune, more compassionate, more selfless, more emotionally stable?  What happens if I break down and start to question the foundations of my existence?  Will you still love me?  (Is that question pathetic?)

I’m not in Haiti yet, so all of this worrying is in some ways premature.  Maybe I’ll have a flawless HNGR internship and I won’t ever go through periods where I have to wonder whether to post what I’m experiencing.  But I doubt it.  I don’t know who’s reading this (but you should comment so I do know!), but I would imagine you are people from all parts of my life: my parents, brothers, sisters (with the help of my parents), grandparents, high school friends and teachers, the HNGR office, Forest Hills kids, Yellowstone team, Wheaton friends and of course, my fellow HNGR interns, past, present and future.  I think you all like me (in varying degrees), and I don’t want you to stop.  But I also want to be honest.  I pray that God will give me the courage to write what I see and think in a way that is honest and glorifying to Him.  I also pray that God will give you His grace to love me despite whatever possible things I might say that may be less glorifying to God, but still honest.  If you are who I think you are, I love you and I want you supporting me for these six months.  I’m also jealously asking that you love me back; in return I’ll do my best to keep you with me for the whole ride.